Thursday, June 21, 2012

Timeless Dreams

The life is changing and changing pretty fast. We celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary this week. Last month we had our second child. With wife gone to India and me all alone in Singapore, I have plenty of time to ponder on things which I could not for last few years.

What are my goals, what are my dreams, what do I want to achieve? I have no clear answer. Do I want to earn million dollars? hell yeah why not. But that is not my dream. I am sure more money will not make me happy Do I aspire to be a businessman/entrepreneur? Naah..not really. I never think of working hard to grow my business or enterprise. Then as I ponder, I think of moments which have given me immense pleasure. And then I think, will those same things make me happy today and tomorrow? The instant answer is yes for many such things.

I have gone trekking and hiking in India a lot many times. And almost always I had fun. The sense of
achievement is great. Not that I set records but it gives me pleasure because I overcome my physical and mental limits as I climb the mountain. In the process I also do something I like most, being amongst trees, birds - nature. With over night treks I can spend nights watching sky full of stars. I love to plant trees. I will not claim that I have planted hundreds of trees. But I maintain a small garden in my apartment in India. I have also planted few trees in my life and it gives me nice feeling seeing plants and trees grow. I would love to grow lots of trees which are sustainable and good for the nature.

I love to hang out with my friends. Who does not? With a glass of beer, it makes it even more enjoyable. With IPL, tennis or football game on, its a double bonanza. So this is something that my family will frown upon. I want to have a nice TV-sports-bar where I can enjoy TV, sports and drinks with my friends and family.

There is one thing that fascinates me a lot, planes, real fast planes. I have never flown a plane and don't see me flying a plane given my profession in IT. But none the less I want to fly a jet plane at 1 mach at least.

What else do I aspire, I want to run a marathon. Stop laughing. I seriously want to. Looking at my shape I can barely run 4 km, leave alone 42 kms. But I am going to try, I am going to run, exercise and train to run a marathon soon.

 So looking at the dreams and goals I have, they don't seem professional at all. Some are materialistic and to achieve them I do need loads of money. So yeah I want that million dollar. If I had enough money I would stop working and do something I really like. I will do all that I mentioned above. But life is not easy and fair. It makes you toil hard to achieve your dream. It makes the satisfaction sweeter because it makes you sweat to achieve it. I have realized that I dont need one single thing, i dont have one single goal, I dont have one single dream but I have bunch of things which I will like to do over and over again.

 I had a dream that I wanted to go down to a shooting range and fire a shot gun. This dream was achieved this year. And was it fun, yes it was. It gave a nice adrenalin rush as I was firing those 30 cartridges down the range.

 This kind of blog/post should come early in the year, as new year resolutions. None the less I wrote it mid year. Who cares when the dreams are achieved as long as they are achieved.