Monday, April 14, 2008

Why should I blog?

Blogging means We-bLogging. Logging what ever you feel on the web.
Its more like writing a daily diary, writing an essay about your experiences or simply way of expressing views about a topic.

Why have I started blogging? I always feel that my thoughts be it on any topic are a little different and radical in nature. I simply do not agree with what is conventional, which also means that I am not correct many times. But that does not deter me from thinking the way I think. So I felt that if I document what I feel and what I think, few years later when I look back I will be able to learn from the way I thought and the way I analyzed in a given situation. I don't intend to write a daily diary here.
Many times I debate with some of my friends about various "current" topics and I feel that I should pen them down (eventually I am keying them down). This is a small attempt towards that.
My biggest inspiration behind me writing the blogs is my Wife- MADHURA.

I eventually dream of writing bunch of blogs on various topics and post it on various public forums, so that people can read my thoughts. This is small way of forcing people to read my thoughts (and get their feedback) and ultimately satisfy my EGO.

Next topic I feel I should write is about EGO.

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